There still is a debate whether coiling is the oldest form of basketry in the world. In this workshop, we will explore this sculptural technique to create unique baskets using rope, raffia, yarn and embellishments. Great for holding all sorts of things. As well, we will make teneriffes, a base starter used in pine needle basketry, using waxed thread and a metal ring.
Instructor: Rosanna Strong
Prerequisites: No prior experience necessary. Age 65 or older. Masking required during class.
Cost: Free for qualifying seniors. Adult full membership included. Program made possible through grant funding from the NWT Healthy Choices Fund.
Registration: Registration code required. Following registration, adult full membership will be activated to August 31, 2024.
Registration Closes: February 17, 2024
Yellowknife Guild of Arts and Crafts113 Kam Lake Road, Yellowknife, NT X1A